Fangore's e-peen is so huge, I had to make a post.
Scrubbs and I have gotten quite a money-making scheme going with the production of Mechano-hogs and selling them on the weekends to would-be bikers. I tried getting a head start on One yesterday and Fangore, the genius birthday girlfriend raping paper guy, chimes in. I didn't get screenshots, sorry, but what follows is just about what was said.
Fangore: Oneironaut, I've never heard of you or your guild before. (My guess, him trying to derail my trade channel exploits) Me: And the internet has heard of you and your raping paper. Peanut Gallery #1: LOLWUT Fangore: wtf u takin bout Me: Peanut Gallery #2: I'm not going to some site called dressed to cuddle, probably porno Fangore: ur dumb Me: seriously though, thanks for making me famous.
I take the effort to whisper him. That, I get a screenshot of.
Dude. Really? REALLY?! You arrogant prick.
Who gives two shits if you're supposedly one of the best warriors on the server? It's Farstriders. Last I checked, we're neither top server for raiding OR RPing. I don't think you get what I've done to you. There are people laughing about your degree of retarded in Australia, not the quality of your gameplay. Stroke your e-peen harder because your righteous arrogance will never suffice as vidication for the intellectual damage I have set forth to smite you with. You are target one and I am the F-Bomb. From now on, any chance I get, I am going to call out your dumpy ass for every single misgiving you commit on a public channel.
To reiterate, I am an asshole. I just found my dumbass to splatter my shit on.
I had the amazing opportunity to attend the grand finals of the MLG 2009 World of Warcraft PC Pro Circuit in Orlando. I brought my good friend, Repello, out to the event. We learned quite a bit from the pro Arena players, even got to talk to a few of them.
The event itself was impressive; here, Repello and I thought we were just going to the WoW tourney, but it was actually the full Pro Circuit of MLG. There was a Dr. Pepper center kiosk giving away free cans of Dr. Pepper, Stride gum carts giving away free gum, rows of XBOX360's and PS3's playing Madden and Halo 3, and a vast myriad of gamers. WoW got a corner, small, but humble, and I'd like to think it had some of the more sophisticated members of the attending throng.
Okay, perhaps sophistication dwindled down to just me and Repello. The monkeys on the bench didn't know whether to cheer or stare dumbfounded at the screens. Despite this, we saw some great matches, great comps, and learned a lot.
First off, let's take a look at the arena.
The technical side of things. This is where commentary was held, updates to the live forums, and server maintenance occurred.
Lots of wires, fo sho.
Teams had their own sides, flanked with cameras to check out the action live. The people watching on were friends, family, or extreme fans. No, no girlfriends. There's no time for girlfriends when you're the best arena player.
Interesting thing about the rules: no addons or mods. You could bring your own keyboard and mouse, but aside from, the computers were provided, the characters were built on the custom server, and you could only use in-game script to change your UI.
This in mind, it really gives a sense of how “pro” a pro is. To play without addons is a bit foreign to me; I've always required some sort of healing assistant or notifier. Bells and whistles need to go off to help me react, and now that I see how they do it, it makes me consider my gameplay entirely.
Speaking of they, let's find out who they are.
SK:EG is an amalgamation of SK Gaming and Evil Geniuses, two teams who saw a lot of action during the entire circuit. They formed together, I think somewhere in during the Dallas finals, to have a fairly diverse group.
Their overall comp was built on a contemporary idea of control. Enough control and you usually will win. Unfortunately for them, though, they were knocked out by Complexity Red and the Button Bashers, two teams who showed a great deal of promise.
Hearing the commentator, Igoaf, call them “The Koreans” over and over again was a bit unnerving; it's not like the Button Bashers were going to report back to Kim Jong-il about their wins and loses. They're from Seoul. Totally different.
Hiren – Rogue OrangeMarmalade – Mage NumberOne – Priest
RMP group, a comp that hasn't been used since the end of Season 5 professionally, but for the few months, OrangeMarmalade and company have cut a swath through the competition. Perhaps you remember the following clips from Germany:
And then an explination of his win:
I went to the tourney with these clips in mind, seeing the fights and being extremely intimidated by Orange. I was a bit let down when I saw them lose twice, but Orange was playing Frost spec more than his Arcane. Hiren was quite impressive too, unloading a ton of damage on targets through fights, but the pressure felt by the other teams, like Complexity Red, wore the Koreans down.
This team impressed me the most. With comps I haven't seen too often, I was really impressed by the amount of damage and control this team was able to dish out. To add more salt in the Sinister Strike, they even ran RMP at one point against verteran RMP group the Button Bashers, winning the matches and taking the lead to second place over the Koreans.
The amount of control and anticipation from this group was jaw-dropping impressive. They were also the loudest group at the tourney, Snutz bellowing out a battle cry at every chance he saw he was open for a kill requiring an assist. Eventually Reckful got in on it and so did Venruki.
The first day of the tournament was the all-star challenge. Team captains chose players not in their original team and created new combinations to fight in a double elimination round. With a chance to win an easy $1000, spectators were given a preview at players' skill and comps that we've never seen before. My favorite was two rogues and a priest. Damn was it terribad, but interesting to watch as a dynamic.
Oh look, it's the back of my head and half of Repello's face. Yea, that's our anemic looking group of spectators. The Halo 3 arena was much more impressive with high bleachers, a commentator's box, and large projection screens you could watch from the back of the convention hall. We had two flat-panel monitors. Score.
It smelled like wet dog on those benches. Delight. Dudes, take a shower. WoW less, clean yourself more.
Yo Snutz. You happy you're winning? You're a loud sonofabitch. Scary in the Sewers and Blade's Edge too. Back up with that Shadowfury. I'm your bro. We coo, we coo.
Sodah's looking mighty intense, but most healers usually have this face on them between fights. Makes me a bit apprehensive to heal a 3v3 with One.
I do that too sometimes.
Players would have to take 5 minutes on occasion to discuss strategy. WoW was the only game at the convention that had to do that, which makes me think: Gears of War 2, 4 guys, hardly any talking, just a lot of individual success overall to bring the team through with hardly any assisting, group camaraderie, or cooperation. How is it justifiable to give $75,000 as a grand prize for that? Hax.
Yea, not doing so good. Scream louder, that seems to be working for the other guys.
They should give mages battle shout.
Reckful wasn't nearly as loud as Snutz, but it did give the team morale and brought in the wins.
They weren't making words. They were just yelling.
Complexity Black. The three guys who took it all. They were the most diverse group. Flexx was key in this, running a BE DK, Tauren Warrior as Prot, and most notably, his Enhancement Shaman. Along with the beast mastery hunter, Twix, out the door the wolves were out, the core hound loose, and bloodlust was popped. They targeted one DPS, downed him in half a breath, and moved on. Their comp was scary.
That free Dr. Pepper was awesome.
I felt that way too.
Should have been more, but despite that, they did get $5000 each. Congo rats to them. They move on to spank up some European ass in the international circuit.
What did I learn? Paladins and priests are the way to go for heals. Control is the name of the game. Beastcleave is scary.
I'm at the World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship at the Gaylord Palms. I shit you not. Neilyo is here (not playing), Orangemarmalade, Snutz, Flexx, and some other rocking characters. Got to talk to Snutz yesterday about warlocking. Twas cool. Will talk with more of them today and even have photos.
So incoming update tonight or tomorrow, provided I get shit done at the hotel today. has all the action streaming live, and perhaps you'll see yours truly wandering in the background. Check out full rosters of players on the website as well.
So far: Best healer - Toes of Complexity Black Best CC: Snutz or Venruki of Complexity Red Best DPS: Snutz
My gold's on either Complexity Red or Button Bashers. Snutz is my hero. Orangemarmalade intimidates me.
Also, just for the giggle factor, watch the stream for commentary at the very least, because hearing the announcers go, "The Koreans are unstoppable," makes me laugh.
Saw Avatar twice over the winter holidays, great movie, enjoyed it both times, and while watching, I couldn't help but notice severe similarities to WoW.
Rather than regale you with my verbose monstrosities, here's some pics!
(The Na'vi remind me of the Night Elves. There's no Azshara counterpart in the movie.)
Sorry for the short post. My sleep schedule is effed the junk up and I need to balance out before work starts up again tomorrow.
Happy New Year! Let's start off 2010 with a douchebag!
I was running Heroic HoR with a random pug and my friends, Scrubbs and Mooj. We're not doing so well, as most of the instance requires quite a bit of synergy to actually work out. Understanding your capabilities is important to successfully winning the fights, and apparently Takiel of Wyrmrest Accord thinks his sauce isn't the weak ingredient in our stew of fail.
Our first wipe on Falric ended up being because Mr. Shamanface was overwhelmed. We had just went through four waves, Falric starts swinging, and he's at 25% mana and everyone is at 50-60% health. He's trying his best to compensate for Hopelessness, which stacks and becomes the bane of healers and DPS. Of course we go down, our feeble little troll doing his best to top us all off for Falric's mean fear. It came down to the final few swings and then we lost our last man. Fair enough, it's okay, just push harder. He makes a demand, not a suggestion or even a polite request, for us to stack so he can use chain heal. Okay, feeling obliged to my healer, I listen.
We fight through the waves, and again, we're down to about 50-60% health partywide and he's down to about 30% mana by 5/10. Hopelessness is stacking, but I don't see one chain heal go off. He's popping off lesser heal all over the party, but he doesn't seem to be healing himself. Of the five of us, he is one of the first who goes down. Eventually we wipe, just swings away from downing Falric. The hunter, probably frustrated, leaves. Takiel then has the tenacity to say this and then he leaves:
Note to asshole: I have a blog.
First off, I didn't see one damn chain heal despite me doing what you asked. Cast your healing spells and we live, don't cast them, and we die.
Second, L2H. Have in the back of your mind priority of healing, so you're not wasting your heals on expendable people. I'm DPS, if I die, it's probably my damn fault. I've come to terms with that. There are two people in a five-man who can't die: you and the tank. You were one of the first to die. Last I check, Life Tap affects me, not you. I don't give two shits if I die, nor should you.
Third, let's look at your gear:
No mana, huh? Sounds like a personal problem there, totemfucker. 20K mana is hardly what I'd call enough, and don't you have several abilities that get mana back? Isn't there a shield you can cast or some silly little butt-plug you can throw down?
By the way, where the shit is your tier gear? Even that has some severe upgrades for your anemic mana pool. Maybe it might even give you an extra piece bonus that makes you less of a DPS reject.
Wearing elemental gear and speccing down a tree doesn't make you a healer, nor does it warrant the comment you made. It gets you noteriety in my battlegroup as an ugly bitch.