Thursday, July 30, 2009

Messing With Gold Farmers: Bbcami, and New Pets via Hydra!

On occasion people will impress you, even gold farmers and spammers. Here is one such case with Bbcami.

Despite a few attempts to see if I could get a rise out of this particular spammer, I found that in a complete farce on my part (to which, I am sad to say, might reflect some players, to whom I apologize forthwith and in no way am I intending to make light of such a predicament but merely trying to find some fashion in which I could exacerbate a situation), I had come to find that spammers can be genuine people who, in their own way, show charismatic empathy.

I was heading out to Grizzly Hills to fish up some salmon, and while in FP I get whispered.

I tried to quickly come up with something clever (I really should just start making a list of things I can say with gold spammers and keep it in front of me while I play) but all that came to mind was a recent wowbash I had seen. I'm sorry that I couldn't come up with anything original for this one.

What can I say? I'm only here for the bare necessities. Or since I'm heading to Grizzly Hills, the BEAR necessities? No? Okay.

Bbcami doesn't care about competition. She knows her product is good so she upsells no matter what.

Yea, I know, I'm a copycat.

Apparently she is too. Maybe they're trained to say that? I particularly think it's bad for business. Gold sellers should make it so their product can be easily distributed amongst the entirety of the populous rather than those who could afford purchasing their dirty money.

I retort.

Oh no, my dear Bbcami, you're not getting away from me that easily.

You'll teach me?

Hmm, that's where they must make the money then. They take begged-for gold and flip it on those that pay for it. Compelling evidence of ill-gotten gains!

Then she starts to have a conversation with me beyond business, which I find odd. I've never really seen a gold spammer take effort in the way she did. So I go along with it, lying my ass through. Again, my apologies for any coincidental happenstance.

I really really really want to get a job as a gold farmer/spammer/seller. Why? Just because I'd like to see how their immoral enterprise works and report back. Anytime I get a chance, I try to get my foot in the door.

Around this time, I can hear on vent that some guild members are working on achievements in 5-man heroics. The last thing most of them needed was one more boss and they get Northrend Dungeon Hero. They get it, about 20 achievements from guild pop on my screen, and my shit computer crashes and I don't get a chance to screencap some of the convo with Bbcami. Grats to my friends! Balls to the continuity of this blog!

So to paraphrase what I didn't happen to screencap, Bbcami then tells me that a fantasy world isn't a good substitute for the real world (pretend what I'm saying is in broken English, then it's like you're seeing the screencap), and that on occasion, she feels depressed too. But she never gives up hope and loves life and wants to keep going. I agree, but then my computer crashes because my guild is so goal oriented.

I reboot quickly, log back in, and I message Bbcami.

I am a liar, I know. I recall an author once said that all writers are liars. I fancy that statement.

Good gracious it's pathetic that I'm acting pathetic. Honestly, I apologize.

Seriously, that was really sweet of her. What if I had the misfortune and fizzled social life I had created for myself? In such a projected situation, Bbcami succeeded in showing a willingness to going beyond the business of annoyance and truly display particular human modicums of empathy and compassion. Knock on wood, forgive my lying, and I hope that I haven't greatly offended anyone in the process, but truly, Bbcami did something that was immensely unexpected.

I did add her to my friends list and I hope I could talk with her again and possibly tell her the truth. I honestly do feel bad for lying about it now because she had been so nice. I guess I share this not to display the usual awkward hilarity that comes from dealing with gold spammers, but to show that people, genuine people, play this game, either for ToS-illegal businesses or for fun, and that it isn't so closed off and individually-minded.

On a lighter note:

Thank you Hydra for rocking my socks off with new pets! I gave her all the horde ones as an even trade, and in the future we'll be having more pet switchies. She's my fave Alli! :D

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